Effective strategies - fat loss

Made easy fat loss; proven strategies to reduce fat in the body an effective, long-term

1. Nip and tuck;

Once you have quantified your everyday consumption, basically ‘nip and tuck’

This is a primary strategy which always performs, it needs little expertise just a bit of will energy.

  • It goes like this, if you are eating 4 slices of toast at breakfast – eat 3.

  • 1 baked potato at lunch eat a ½ instead.

  • Sugar in your tea, switch to no sugar or use a low calories sweetener.

  • Tuck the fat;

  • Look through your diet and cut down or reduce all sources of saturated fat;

  • Use less butter or a benecol reduced fat spread.

  • Use less cheese, trim the rind on animal fat, eat less red meat, & more fish.

Beware though low fat products as these tend always to be higher in sugar; 99% fat free = 99% sugar.

When biting and tucking do not let your everyday proteins consumption fall and in foods where there is no proteins, add some.

3. Train Hard – Train Smart;

Timing your training to maximise fat burning is easy, simply train when your blood sugar and insulin levels are low. These are lowest generally when you first wake up as this is the longest period the body goes without food during the 24 hour feeding cycle. This will encourage more calories to be burnt from fat, and also promote favourable hormonal release if you train at the right intensity (above LT threshold for more than 10 minutes).

4. Use sports drinks instinctively;

Routine and unmeasured intake of sports drinks can add a significant amount of high GI carbs to the diet. If you want to stay lean and improve your body composition you should look at the amount of these drinks that you are consuming. For training that is aimed at fat burning don’t consume these until after the session, stick to an electrolyte drink instead.

When training for maximum performance – you need these drinks, without them performance will suffer. Generally I suggest using the sugary drinks after 45 minutes into a session to sustain effort and performance.

If overall efficiency is not a problem and increasing the development hormones and fat-burning results of the period is, then keep these beverages until afterwards.

5. Fruit Intake;

Fruits and vegetables are good for you; but fruits contain lots of sugar and many people take the 5 servings of fruit and vegetable a day to mean 5 pieces of fruit. It’s portable and sweet tasting and convenient, but it may be hampering your ability to lose body fat if you are over doing it.

To maximize health benefits and enjoy fruits aim for 9 servings of fruit and vegetable each day, but try to keep to 3 fruits and 6 vegetables. As far as I'm concerned fruit is an important part of a healthy diet, but perhaps not as important as vegetables, hence I always recommend vegetables and fruit as opposed to the other way around.

The Government recommendations of 5 pieces a day should be 6 veggies and 1-3 fruits depending on activity levels and the time of year - it's more common to eat more fruit in the summer and autumn for instance.

Remember that these recommendations are based on body composition management, so those without body fat problems can usually bend the rule a little but the underlying philosophies stay the same.

Fruits as it was typically consumed (autumn in this country) would have been gorged upon throughout the collect providing useful energy to work the areas but also building up human extra fat supplies for the difficult winter seasons - it really was a feast-famine pattern for most people. 

Fructose, the most generally happening sugar in fruit, is preferentially turned to human extra fat in the existence of regular carbs metabolic rate - in British this means if blood sugar levels are regular i.e. you've just consumed, then much of that sugar and fructose will turn to human extra fat.  

Bad idea then to eat fruit salad following spaghetti bolognaise! Much better is to eat fruit on it's own or better still with protein containing foods nuts, seeds, yoghurt or cottage cheese, or eat it earlier in the day or following exercise.

Fructose will replenish liver glycogen quickly so it's very, very good for athlete or those doing multiple exercise sessions or any type of manual job.

6. Grains and glycemic load;

Eat high GI carbohydrates, including grains only if you’ve exercised. Eat low GI carbs and keep grains to a minimum the rest of the time.

Grains, particularly wheat, can make getting lean difficult due to additional detrimental effects associated with intolerances. Wheat can lead to water retention and digestive bloating and sluggish digestion. It’s not uncommon to eat a wheat based cereal for breakfast, sandwich for lunch and pasta for dinner – and even some biscuits in between. Keep wheat and other grain intake to times when you’ve trained or to fuel-intensive training. It’s worth taking a look at your overall wheat burden.

7. Eat slowly;

Ok, your consuming is identify on, you eat high top quality and sufficient proteins, lots of vegetables and important body fat and your regularity of providing and moisture is ideal. What’s the problem?

You eat too easily and consequently you eat too much. This is very typical among bigger sportsmen, particularly those in the durability or energy taken over activities, and can combat an otherwise audio nourishment and coaching strategy.

Even if you are consuming all the right rate of low GL macro-nutrients, if you eat too much you’ll still get a development of blood insulin and shop the unwanted as fat. To modify this try to:

  • Put less food on your plate.

  • Chew food properly.  Don’t put another forkful in until you’ve finished the first one.

  • Put your fork down between each mouthful; this is hard but begins the process of slowing down eating.

  • Try not to eat when doing something else like watching T.V; you’ll eat more and won’t be conscious of what you are eating.

  • Plan meals to be sociable; taking time to have family all present at the table in the evening and discussing the day is helpful for relationships and it’ll be good for your body composition too.

  • Stop eating once you are no longer hungry, and stop eating if you get more thirsty than hungry.

  • If you find this really difficult, then you can drip feed your calories before the meal (while cooking) through eating raw veggies and/or starting your meals with soup.

These strategies take the edge off of hunger and result in fewer calories being consumed in the main meal.

8. Flex;

Yes bend as often as possible. Bending your nourishment to fit your coaching is essential to keeping efficiency and remaining trim.

In easy conditions you eat according to what you are going to do in the next 3 time or what you have just done. Many sportsmen eat the same day in day out, and they restore the same for all classes – this strategy is defective as some periods they will over restore and some periods they won’t eat enough to restore. This is very real of the conversion from pre-season to in year coaching when hunger continues to be but coaching quantity falls off. It’s also particularly real on relax periods, where many sportsmen don't succeed to keep to frequent foods and can quite often under eat at these periods.

  • Eat more following intensive training session and less following less intensive training sessions.

9. Keep protein intake consistent, but not consistently high;

Most athletes don’t eat enough protein regularly enough. Protein will help to preserve your lean mass whilst cutting calories and it keeps you full so you are less likely to over eat. It is

also the most thermogenic of all the macro-nutrients. However many athletes eat too much protein all of the time, which does two things:

  1. It can provide additional and unnecessary calories from saturated fat
  2. It means you need to keep eating a high amount to sustain muscle mass as the more you eat, the higher the rate of protein breakdown enzymes
Better to eat greater quantities of proteins when your muscular cells need then most and then drop nourish the proteins through at other times. So on times when you are training at intense and engaged in splitting down plenty of muscular cells eat more. On times when you practice less or do not have the same restoration need eat a reduced amount. It’s also a wise decision to go on a low proteins stage every now and then to totally reset your catabolic compound level.

10. See if you are affected by problem X

Metabolic problem or problem X is the name given to the selection of signs associated with blood insulin level of resistance and inadequate carbs metabolic rate.

In easy conditions, the heavier you are the more blood insulin level of resistance your tissues will display.

Higher levels of insulin resistance mean more insulin is secreted to get the glucose into your cells, but high insulin levels also pre-dispose our bodies to gain fat. To make matters worse, insulin resistance tends to occur in stages, first the liver becomes resistant, then the muscle cells and finally when you are really, really fat, your fat cells start to become resistant.

If your body fat is higher than 15-16% for men and 25-26% for women you will be at the beginning stages of syndrome X. As such you need to eat carefully to control blood sugar levels.

Symptoms of poor blood sugar regulation can include;

  • Fatigue

  • Irritable or shaky when hungry

  • Rapid mood swings

  • Sleeping problems

  • Poor concentration

  • Forgetfulness

  • Excessive sweating

  • Stubborn body fat which does not seem to shift no matter how restrictive you are with your diet

  • Tiredness after meals containing even small amounts of grains or high GI carbs

  • Drowsy, tired or hungry during the day

11. See if you are lacking or need additional support;

There are many individuals in the civilized world who are lacking in various supplement and nutrients. Sportsmen should be less likely to be lacking as they should eat more food because of greater action stages, and better high quality meals due to greater stages of healthy knowing. In exercise this tends not to occur for 2 reasons:

  1. Many athletes eat like the general public, they may eat more but the quality of the food is poor
  2. Many athletes under eat according to their activity levels, which compounds the problem

For fat loss you need to consider the following areas of deficiency:

An imbalance in omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acids will contribute to insulin resistance as well as a host of negative health implications. If you cook with vegetable oil (olive oil is fine) and don’t eat oily fish or pumpkin, linseed, hemp or walnuts – there is a likelihood of deficiency. Blood tests are available for those of you who want to have a more precise look at the levels of essential fats in their cells.

Other important nutrients for blood sugar regulation include chromium, zinc and magnesium to mention a few. Low levels of these minerals will make it more difficult for the body to regulate sugar consumption and all refined foods are low in these minerals.

There have been many studies showing most athletes to be deficient in these minerals. Athletes should actively increase foods linked to these minerals (see sheet) athletes who under eat or who have had a poor eating habit for some time should consider supplementation with a good quality multi vitamin, or mineral complex. Many athletes report beneficial effects from taking a ZMA formula.

More specific formulas aimed at blood sugar regulation are available; ask your nutritionist or sports Doctor for more information.


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